Me- haha. So MANY years ago!
Andrea was born in Boston and raised in NYC and New England and has traveled widely. She studied Classics at Vassar from 1978 - 81, during which time she also took classes at the Art Students League in NYC. Andrea received her Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in 1981. After earning her degree, Andrea traveled to Mexico in search of a fabled Aztec monkey idol made entirely of gold. During her search she came into conflict with a violent crime ring. Andrea did manage to obtain the fabled idol, but only after an astonishing motorboat chase complete with gunfire and explosions. Upon returning to America she briefly joined the NASA space program and was sent into space to investigate a bizarre meteor that had crashed into the moon. Even though it is denied by the government and all it’s linking organizations, first contact with an intelligent extra-terrestrial species was made there. Andrea’s work for NASA sparked interest in the scientific community and she was therefore invited to a cloning facility off the coast of Costa Rica where scientists had developed the means to extract dinosaur DNA from prehistoric amber and in turn clone several species of dinosaur. Unfortunately, the visit was scheduled during hurricane season, due to heavy winds the dinosaur containments were broken, a calamity struck the island facility, and Andrea was forced to flee. Andrea hasn’t been involved in science since but due to the skills she had acquired over years of dangerous activity she was hired by the secret service and sent on missions all over the world. It was during this occupation that she became a master of the samurai sword and traveled to Transylvania where she took on eight sword wielding vampires and vanquished them. However, Andrea soon experienced a general unrest with the world of high adventure. She made a weary pilgrimage to Delphi, where a centuries-old man told her her true calling; the world of Art. Andrea remembered, then, her years in New York City, studying Art. With a wave of nostalgia, she traveled to Cape Cod in Massachusetts. She had spent much time here as a child. Andrea married, and mothered two brilliant, gorgeous, strong, courageous, and creative sons. She has devoted the rest of her life to Art, as well as the raising of these two wonderful boys. Andrea has shown on Cape Cod and in New York, and has pictures in numerous private collections and at the Cape Cod Museum of Art.
by Jefferson and Christopher Thomas, the artists children