East of the Moon
35 x 39, oil on canvas
Fadime Sahindal lived with her Kurdish family in Uppsala, Sweden She was shot by her father for straying from his Kurdish values, an honor killing, After she dies one of her sisters calls another family member to report "the whore is dead now". The story was reported in the New York Times in an artcle called "Lost in Sweden: A Kurdish Daughter is Sacrificed" by Sarah Lyall. The greiving woman in this picture is Fadime's sister, Songul, who loved her. Personally, if your honor is more important to you than your love, then I don't think much of either your love or your honor. The Artist
23 x25, oil on canvas
195. And their Lord hath accepted Of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost The work of any of you, Be he male or female: Ye are from, one another: Those who have left their homes, And were driven out therefrom. And suffered harm in My Cause, And fought and were slain- Verily, I will blot out From their iniquities, And admit them into Gardens With rivers flowing beneath- A reward from the Presence Of Allah, and from His Presence Is the best of rewards" The Qur'an, Surah 8 The Spoils of War
36 x 25, oil on canvas
60. Against them make ready Your strength to the utmost Of your power, including Steeds of war, to strike terror Into (the hearts of) the enemies, Of Allah and your enemies, And others besides, whom Ye may not know, but whom Allah does know. Whatever Ye shall spend in the Cause Of Allah, shall be repaid Unto yu, and ye shall not Be treated unjustly 61. But if the enemy Incline toward peace, Do thou (also) incline Towards peace, and trust In Allah: for He is the One That heareth and knoweth (All things). The Qur'an, Surah 8 The Spoils of War
57 x 41, oil on canvas
116. Said Moses "Throw ye (first)." So when they threw, They bewitched the eyes Of the people, and struck Terror into them: for they showed a great (feat of) magic. 117. We put it into Moses's mind By inspiration: "Throw (now) Thy rod" and behold! It swallows up straightaway All the falsehoods Which they fake! The Qur'an, Surah 7 The Heights (Moses is speaking to the Pharaoh's sorcerers)
21 x 37, oil on canvas
12. Man we did create From a quintessence (of clay): 13. Then we placed him As (a drop of) sperm Firmly fixed: 14. Then We made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood Then of that clot We made A (foetus) lump: then We We made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh: then We developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, The Best to create!
The Qur'an, Surah 23 The Believers
33 x 31, oil on canvas
223. Your wives are As a tilth unto you So approch your tilth When or how you will But do some good act beforehand; And fear Allah, And know that ye are To meet Him (in the Hereafter), And give (these) good tidings To those who believe. The Qur'an, Surah 2 The Heifer
Private collection